League of Legends: Complete Guide to Smite Ability and Its Evolution
Smite is a powerful unit-targeted summoner spell that deals true damage to large/medium monsters, enemy minions, or pets. It is essential for jungle roles and requires level 3 to use.
Orange flame spell effect
Key Features:
- 15-second cooldown with maximum 2 charges
- Charges regenerate every 90 seconds starting at 1:30
- Can be affected by summoner spell haste
- Required to purchase jungle pets (Gustwalker, Mosstomper, or Scorchclaw)
- Unleashed Smite
- Unlocks after feeding jungle pet 20 treats
- Deals 900 true damage to monsters/minions
- Can damage champions for 80-160 true damage and 20% slow
- Primal Smite
- Unlocks after feeding jungle pet 40 treats
- Deals 1200 true damage to primary target
- Deals 100% damage to nearby monsters
- Adds pet-specific passive bonuses
Strategic Uses:
- Securing objectives like Dragon and Baron
- Speeding up jungle clear time
- Lane pushing (best used on siege minions)
- Creating opportunities for skillshots by removing minion blocks
- Countering certain champion pets/abilities
Important Notes:
- Deals true damage that cannot be reduced or amplified
- Can target pets like Tibbers and Voidlings
- Draws minion aggro when used on champions
- Can be used during other ability cast times
- Prioritizes epic monsters within 350 units if no valid target
Patch Changes:
- Pet damage standardized to 40 at all levels
- Epic monster targeting prioritization added
- Removed spell effects from non-monster damage
- Various balance adjustments to damage values and effects
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