Attack Damage System Guide for League of Legends
Attack damage (AD) is a fundamental offensive stat in League of Legends that determines the physical damage dealt by basic attacks. It serves as a counterpart to ability power and influences champion playstyles and item builds.
Types of Attack Damage:
- Base AD: The innate attack damage that champions gain through leveling
- Bonus AD: Additional attack damage from items, runes, buffs, and other sources
- Total AD: The sum of base and bonus attack damage
Gold Value: Each point of attack damage is worth 35 gold.
- Abilities can scale with base AD, bonus AD, or total AD ratios
- AD scaling doesn't always mean physical damage; abilities can deal other damage types
- Over 70 champions have no AD ratios on their abilities
Ways to Increase AD:
- Core items like Trinity Force, Sterak's Gage, Death's Dance
- Consumables like Elixir of Wrath
Champion Abilities:
- Buffs like Janna's Eye of the Storm
- Passive effects like Hecarim's Warpath
- Ultimate abilities like Tryndamere's Undying Rage
- Conqueror
- Eyeball Collection
- Gathering Storm
- Adaptive Force shards
Neutral Buffs:
- Hand of Baron
- Infernal Dragon buffs
Notable Records:
- Level 18 base AD ranges from 50 (Senna) to 153 (Illaoi)
- Largest possible AD ratio: Kalista's Rend at 8915% AD
- Second largest: Miss Fortune's Bullet Time at 1524% AD
Champions can also decrease enemy AD through abilities like Tryndamere's Mocking Shout and Trundle's Chomp.