Zilean Support: Complete Guide for Time-Bending Mastery
Zilean Support Guide - A Comprehensive Strategy
Zilean excels as a support champion through his powerful utility and game-changing ultimate ability. His Q-W-Q combo provides reliable crowd control while dealing significant damage, making him a formidable lane presence.
Key Strengths:
- Powerful Q-W-Q stun combo with high AP scaling
- Game-changing Ultimate (R) that can revive allies
- Strong mobility control with E (speed up/slow)
- Excellent poke potential and lane presence
Early Game Strategy (Levels 1-5):
- Secure level 2 advantage (first wave + 3 melee minions)
- Apply pressure through Q poke
- Play aggressive when possible, but be mindful of squishiness
- Coordinate with ADC for potential early kills
Mid Game Strategy (Levels 6-11):
- Utilize ultimate to protect carries
- Set up vision around objectives
- Look for picks with Q-W-Q combo
- Rotate with team to secure towers
- Keep carries alive in teamfights
Late Game Strategy (Levels 12+):
- Stay grouped with team
- Use ultimate on highest-value targets
- Control teamfights with E and Q combos
- Maintain vision around major objectives
- Focus on peeling for carries
Power Spikes:
- Level 6: Ultimate ability unlock
- Level 11: Second point in ultimate
- Level 16: Maximum ultimate power
- First item completion: Significant damage increase
- Full build: Maximum utility and damage potential
- Vulnerable when E is on cooldown
- Squishy without defensive items
- Telegraphed Q ability
- Reliant on ultimate for major impact
Tips for Success:
- Always move with team in late game
- Time ultimates carefully on priority targets
- Use E to guarantee Q hits
- Maintain safe positioning in teamfights
- Coordinate with team for objective control
Counter Tips:
- Exploit cooldown windows
- Focus when ultimate is down
- Dodge Q through mobility
- Punish poor positioning