Which League of Legends Champion Says 'Lightning in a Gun Coming Through?' - Zeri's Iconic Voice Line Revealed

League of Legends champions promotional artwork
The League of Legends champion who says "Lightning in a gun coming through" is Zeri, the Spark of Zaun. This voice line appears in the January 30 LoLdle puzzle, testing players' knowledge of champion quotes.
Key Information:
- Champion: Zeri
- Region: Zaun
- Role: ADC (Attack Damage Carry)
- Distinguishing Feature: Green hair
- Powers: Electricity manipulation through a handcrafted gun

Female cartoon character holding pistol
Character Background: Zeri is a champion from Zaun's working class who fights for her community using her electrical powers channeled through a custom-made weapon. Her entire ability kit revolves around electrical damage and mobility, making this voice line particularly fitting for her character.
Previous Appearance: Zeri was previously featured in LoLdle in August 2024 with her "Fully charged" voice line, making this her second notable appearance in the daily puzzle game.
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