Veigar Mid: Ultimate Guide to Mastering the Tiny Master of Evil
Veigar is a late-game scaling mage who excels at bursting down enemies with his infinite AP-stacking potential. While weak early, he becomes a formidable threat once he gets his core items and ability stacks.
- Infinite AP scaling through Passive
- Strong crowd control with Event Horizon (E)
- Excellent gank setup potential
- Powerful in choke points and closed spaces
- High one-shot potential with ultimate
- Weak early game
- Very immobile
- Vulnerable to crowd control
- Long cooldown on defensive ability (E)
- Requires time to scale
Early Game (1-5):
- Focus on farming safely
- Stack Q passive whenever possible
- Avoid unnecessary trades
- Use E defensively against all-ins
Mid Game (6-11):
- Rotate to side lanes for farm and stacks
- Look for picks with E
- Group with team for objectives
- Capitalize on level 6 power spike with ultimate
Late Game (12+):
- Stay with team for protection
- Use E to create picks or zone enemies
- One-shot priority targets with Q+W+R combo
- Control choke points around objectives
Power Spikes:
- Level 6: Access to ultimate
- Level 9: Q maxed for reliable damage
- Level 11: Second point in ultimate
- First item completion: Significant AP boost
Key Tips:
- Position safely behind frontline
- Stack passive consistently throughout game
- Use ultimate to execute priority targets
- Coordinate with jungler for early ganks
- Control wave to farm safely
Level Progression: 1-5: Focus on farming and stacking 6-8: Look for kill opportunities with ultimate 9-11: Maximize Q damage output 12+: Scale into late-game monster
Teamfight Role:
- Stay back and look for E opportunities
- Target priority carries with burst combo
- Provide zoning control with abilities
- Follow up on team's CC with damage
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