Ultimate Ivern Jungle Guide: The Green Father's Path to Victory
Ivern is a unique utility jungler who excels at supporting his team through heals, shields, and objective control. His passive allows him to efficiently counter-jungle and secure enemy buffs without requiring leashes from teammates.
Key Strengths:
- Strong utility with shields and heals from E ability
- Excellent counter-jungling potential with passive
- No leash required, allowing lanes to get early priority
- Powerful objective control with Daisy (Ultimate)
- Great pick potential with Q ability
Notable Weaknesses:
- Limited damage output
- Heavily team-dependent
- Requires strong carries to be effective
- Struggles when team falls behind

Ivern blue buff jungle route

Green forest spirit Ivern from League
Early Game (1-5):
- Focus on efficient farming and counter-jungling
- Look for ganking opportunities using Q's range
- Help secure early lane priority
Mid Game (6-11):
- Utilize Daisy for objective control and fights
- Maximize E shield usage for carry protection
- Look for picks with Q from fog of war
- Stay close to team for constant support
Late Game (12+):
- Excel in team fights as a secondary support
- Use Daisy to peel and create distraction
- Focus on protecting carries
- Coordinate objective control with team
Tips for Success:
- Coordinate itemization with support
- Look for steal opportunities on enemy camps
- Stay with team to maximize utility
- Use Daisy effectively for peeling and objective control
- Position safely while maintaining shield coverage on carries
Best paired with hyper carries and teams that can capitalize on his utility-focused kit. Watch enemy support's build path to avoid item redundancy and maximize team's effectiveness.
- vs Severe: Hard
- vs Average: Average
- vs Hard: Average
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