Ultimate Bel'Veth Jungle Guide: Conquer The Void Season 14
Bel'Veth excels as a scaling jungle champion with high mobility and strong objective control. Her power comes from attack speed scaling and her ability to transform using Void Corals.
Core Strengths:
- Strong single-target and AoE true damage
- High mobility through Q
- Pre-6 CC with W knockup
- Damage reduction and lifesteal from E
- Excellent objective control
- Powerful late-game scaling
Early Game Strategy:
- Focus on fast clearing and reaching level 3
- Gank lanes with low mobility or CC-heavy allies
- Secure early objectives to gain True Form advantage
Bel'Veth blue side jungle path
Mid Game Focus:
- Snowball your lead through item completion
- Prioritize objective control for Void Corals
- Push structures during downtime
- Clear enemy jungle camps when possible
Late Game Power:
- Become an unstoppable attack speed carry
- Follow up team initiations rather than leading
- Use Q mobility to dodge CC
- Time fights around objectives
- Utilize Baron buff for enhanced True Form pushing
Key Weaknesses:
- Vulnerable to hard CC
- Requires attack speed items to be effective
- Struggles when falling behind early
- Needs takedowns to access True Form
Combat Tips:
- Save E for survival in teamfights
- Prioritize Void Coral collection
- Use mobility to avoid CC
- Focus on consistent damage output
- Balance aggressive plays with objective control
Bel'Veth becomes increasingly dangerous with each completed attack speed item, reaching peak performance in the late game where she can threaten both frontline and backline targets while remaining difficult to kill in True Form.