Trinity Force: The Ultimate Fusion of Power and Speed in League of Legends
Trinity Force is a powerful Legendary item that combines offensive and utility stats for fighters and marksmen.
- Attack Damage: 36
- Attack Speed: 30%
- Health: 333
- Ability Haste: 15
Unique Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, your next basic attack within 10 seconds deals 200% base AD bonus physical damage (1.5s cooldown).
Unique Passive - Quicken: Basic attacks grant 20 bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.
Cost Analysis:
- Base stats value: 3648 gold
- With Quicken active: 3888 gold
- Gold efficiency: 109.45% (116.65% with Quicken)
Key Notes:
- Spellblade works on structures
- Damage benefits from life steal and physical vamp
- Can be blocked by spell shields when applied by abilities
- Cooldown starts after enhanced attack is consumed
- Cannot trigger on jungle plants
The item's name and icon are inspired by The Legend of Zelda's Triforce. It can be searched in the shop using:
- "tons of damage" (referencing Phreak's catchphrase)
- "triforce"
- "3333" (previous price point)
Current Recipe: Sheen + Phage + Hearthbound Axe + 133 gold = 3333 gold total
Map-Specific Changes:
- Ability haste: 20
- Attack damage: 35
- Attack speed: 25%
- Originally had the most champion statistics on one item
- Highest possible Spellblade damage is 325.8 (achievable by level 18 Mega Gnar)
- Icon's blades resemble Irelia's blade fragments