Top Veigar Mid Counter Picks and Strategy
Veigar is a powerful late-game mage who struggles early but scales infinitely. Here's how to counter him effectively:
Strong Counters:
- Akshan
- Qiyana
- Annie
- Zoe
- Anivia
Early Game Strategy:
- Abuse Veigar's weak early game to deny Q stacks
- Punish when his E (Event Horizon) is on cooldown
- Bait out his cage before committing to all-ins
- Coordinate with jungler when his E is down
Mid-Late Game Tactics:
- End the game quickly before he scales indefinitely
- Maintain proper spacing in teamfights
- Lock him down with CC as he's very squishy
- Build defensive items to survive his R (Primordial Burst)
- Position carefully to avoid getting caught by his cage
Power Spike Awareness:
- Early Game: Extremely vulnerable, best time to punish
- Level 6: Significant kill pressure from ultimate
- Late Game: Nearly unlimited scaling through Q stacks
Additional Counters:
- Lux
- Ekko
- Katarina
- Vel'Koz
- Xerath
- Malzahar
- LeBlanc
- Syndra
- Zed
- Hwei
Key Tips:
- Don't position too far forward in teamfights
- Focus him early in teamfights to remove his burst threat
- Build magic resistance to survive his combo
- Keep track of his ultimate cooldown
- Avoid clustering near walls where his E is most effective
Veigar's difficulty varies against different champions:
- Easy matchups: Long-range mages with good waveclear
- Hard matchups: Mobile assassins with gap closers
- Average matchups: Standard control mages
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