Top 5 ADC Champions to Dominate Season 25.S1
Caitlyn, Corki, Hwei, Jinx, and Viktor stand out as the most effective ADCs for climbing in Season 25.S1, each maintaining win rates above 50% in Emerald+ rankings.
Jinx (51.6% WR) A versatile hypercarry who excels in teamfights and scales exceptionally well. Her key strengths include:
- Strong snowball potential
- Excellent mid to late game scaling
- Synergizes well with all support types
- Easy to learn mechanics
Star Guardian Jinx with red hair
Corki (51.5% WR) Recently revamped for ADC role, offering:
- Consistent damage throughout all game phases
- Strong poke with Q and Ultimate
- Tank-busting capabilities with E
- Flexibility to play mid lane
- Mixed damage output
Corki riding cartoon manatee
Viktor (51.4% WR) A powerful AP carry bringing:
- Strong waveclear potential
- Excellent scaling
- Team fight presence with AOE damage
- Valuable AP damage option in AD-heavy teams
Viktor, League of Legends champion
Hwei (51.3% WR) The newest addition offering:
- Versatile ability combinations
- Strong AOE damage in teamfights
- Multi-role flexibility (Mid/ADC/Support)
- Unpredictable playstyle advantage
Man wielding magical brushes and sword
Caitlyn (50% WR) Lane dominant marksman featuring:
- Superior range for harassing
- Strong early game presence
- Excellent tower taking ability
- Easy to learn mechanics
- Effective with all support types
Caitlyn with sniper rifle ready
These champions offer varied playstyles and damage profiles, making them excellent choices for climbing in Season 25.S1. Success with any of these picks comes down to mastery and personal playstyle preference rather than pure statistics.
Viktor from League of Legends
Three soldiers in red Noxian wasteland