The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Veigar in Season 14
Abilities Priority Q > E > W > R
Core Gameplay Veigar is a control mage with infinite AP scaling through his passive. Each champion hit with abilities grants 1 AP, while kills and assists grant 5 AP. His Event Horizon (E) provides powerful area control with a 2.5-second stun.
Skill Order & Strategy
- Maximize Q (Baleful Strike) first for faster passive stacking and damage
- Add second W point at level 8 to clear melee minions effectively
- Maximize E (Event Horizon) second for improved crowd control
- Pro tip: Gain passive stacks when enemies are stunned by cage or when getting assists from cage-contained deaths
Starting Items
- Doran's Ring
- 2 Health Potions
Core Build
- Everfrost
- Sorcerer's Shoes
- Rabadon's Deathcap
- Void Staff
Situational Items
- Crown of the Shattered Queen (vs assassins)
- Zhonya's Hourglass (vs AD threats)
- Banshee's Veil (vs AP threats)
- Cosmic Drive (mobility)
Early Game
- Focus on farming safely with Q
- Stack passive by hitting champions when safe
- Use cage defensively against ganks
- Coordinate with jungler for ganks using Event Horizon
Build Strategy Focus on balancing these stats:
- Health for survivability
- Cooldown reduction for spell rotation
- Movement speed for positioning
- Magic penetration for damage output
Pro Tips
- Use W after stunning enemies with E
- Cage placement is crucial for teamfight control
- Stack passive constantly but don't risk dying
- Save ultimate for securing kills on priority targets
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