Singed Top Guide: Ultimate Solo Lane & Proxy Farming Strategy
Being a fast, tanky champion who specializes in area denial, Singed excels at split pushing and creating map pressure through proxy farming. His unique playstyle revolves around poisoning enemies while running away from them.
- Nearly uncatchable due to passive and movement speed abilities
- Excellent at proxy farming and drawing enemy attention
- Strong split pusher and map pressure creator
- Becomes very tanky with ultimate active
- Effective at disrupting enemy backline
- Vulnerable to crowd control
- Weak early game before level 6
- Mana intensive early game
- Requires team coordination to be effective
- Limited teamfight impact without ultimate
Key Strategies:
- Decide early between proxy farming or traditional laning
- Roam to mid lane after pushing waves
- Monitor minimap constantly to avoid unnecessary deaths
- Focus on split pushing and securing side objectives mid-game
- Group for teamfights when no objectives are available
- Look for flanks on enemy backline in late-game fights
Power Spikes:
- Level 6: Ultimate provides massive boost to survivability and combat potential
- Level 9: Maxed Q ability enables consistent damage output
- Level 11: Second point in ultimate increases effectiveness
- Late game: Full build and maxed ultimate make Singed nearly unkillable
Teamfight Role:
- Disrupt enemy backline
- Create chaos with poison trail
- Soak damage while ultimate is active
- Look for flanking opportunities
- Focus on high-priority squishy targets
Late Game Priority:
- Find picks on mispositioned enemies
- Control objectives with map pressure
- Participate in teamfights when grouped
- Use superior tankiness to initiate fights
- Create space for team with split pushing
Successfully playing Singed requires excellent map awareness, understanding of macro play, and knowing when to switch between split pushing and grouping with the team.