Rell Support: Ultimate Guide for Mastering the Iron Maiden
Rell Support Guide: Essential Tips & Strategy
Rell excels at engaging fights and protecting allies with her unique mounted/dismounted mechanics and powerful crowd control abilities.
Key Strengths:
- Shield-breaking potential with Q
- Strong level 2 all-in
- Excellent team fight presence with AoE CC
- Powerful roaming capabilities
Early Game Tips:
- Capitalize on level 2 power spike for aggressive plays
- Stay healthy to maintain engage threat
- Roam from base or when ADC is safe
- Work around enemy knock-ups by engaging from bushes
Mid Game Strategy:
- Group with team for objective control
- Look for picks with Ultimate (R)
- Protect carries after engaging
- Use W and E combo for surprise engages through frontline
Late Game Power:
- Focus on multi-target CC in team fights
- Utilize Ultimate for pick potential near choke points
- Stay tanky and avoid engaging without team follow-up
- Control vision to set up death brush plays
Power Spikes:
- Level 3: Full combo available
- Level 6: Team fight presence with Ultimate
- Level 11: Improved Ultimate
- Level 16: Maximum Ultimate potential
- Boots completion: Enhanced roaming
Combat Tips:
- Position safely when dismounted
- Use E to coordinate with frontline engages
- Target multiple enemies with Ultimate when grouped
- Peel for carries after initial engage
Counter Considerations:
- Vulnerable when dismounted
- Weak against knock-up abilities
- Struggles when behind due to squishiness
- Requires team coordination for maximum effectiveness
Best Practices:
- Maintain vision control
- Stay grouped in late game
- Coordinate engages with team
- Balance between engaging and peeling
Remember to adapt your playstyle based on team composition and game state, focusing on either aggressive picks or defensive peeling as needed.