Rakan Guide: The Perfect Mix of Tank & Enchanter Support in S15
As a versatile support champion, Rakan excels at both engaging and protecting allies, making him a unique hybrid between tank and enchanter supports. This guide covers everything you need to master Rakan in the current meta.
Skill Priority and Order
- Start with W > E > Q
- Max order: Put 3 points in W, then max E
- Alternative: Max W first for aggressive playstyle
- Don't prioritize Q early (scales with champion level, not ability level)
Primary Runes: Resolve
- Guardian
- Font of Life
- Conditioning
- Unflinching
Secondary Runes: Domination
- Ultimate Hunter
- Ghost Poro
Starting Items:
- Relic Shield
- 2 Health Potions
Core Build:
- Shurelya's Battlesong (Mythic)
- Zeke's Convergence
- Redemption
- Vigilant Wardstone
Situational Items:
- Chemtech Putrifier (vs. healing)
- Knight's Vow (protect carries)
- Dead Man's Plate (mobility)
- Mikael's Blessing (vs. CC)
Gameplay Tips:
- Use W (Grand Entrance) for engage and E (Battle Dance) for protection
- Coordinate ultimates with teammates for maximum impact
- Leverage passive mobility near walls
- Look for roaming opportunities after level 6
- Position aggressively but stay within E range of carries
- High mobility
- Strong engage potential
- Good peel capabilities
- Flexible build paths
- Vulnerable when abilities are on cooldown
- Requires team coordination
- Can be countered by point-and-click CC
Tips for Success:
- Practice W-R-E combos
- Track enemy CC cooldowns
- Maintain vision control for surprise engages
- Coordinate with your ADC's playstyle
- Stay within E range of allies during teamfights