Pyke Mid Build Guide & Best Items in League Season 15
Pyke Mid is currently maintaining a 53.8% win rate across 212 matches in Emerald+ rankings. Here's the optimal build and strategy guide:
Core Build:
- Summoner Spells: Flash, Teleport
- Starting Items: Profane Hydra
- Core Items: Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Youmuu's Ghostblade
- Final Items: Edge of Night, Opportunity, Death's Dance
Optimal Runes:
- Primary: Hail of Blades, Sudden Impact, Grisly Mementos, Ultimate Hunter
- Secondary: Magical Footwear, Biscuit Delivery
- Shards: Adaptive Force (x2), Health
Skill Order: Q > E > W
Key Tips:
- Push wave and roam when Ultimate (R) is available
- Track enemy Flash cooldowns before using Ultimate
- Flank from side angles in teamfights using Q
- Focus on picking off isolated targets
Strong Against:
- Mel (53.9% WR)
- Senna (53.3% WR)
- Karma (52.2% WR)
- LeBlanc (52.0% WR)
- Leona (51.6% WR)
Weak Against:
- Elise (43.2% WR)
- Taric (43.7% WR)
- Maokai (45.0% WR)
- Thresh (45.3% WR)
- Fiddlesticks (46.4% WR)
Best Duo Synergies:
- Ziggs (56.4% WR)
- Draven (53.2% WR)
- Jinx (51.4% WR)
- Twitch (51.2% WR)
- Miss Fortune (51.2% WR)
Alternative Build Path (51.8% WR):
- Core: Hubris > Ionian Boots > Profane Hydra
- Final: Opportunity, Serpent's Fang, Death's Dance
- Same runes and skill order as main build
Adapt your build based on matchup and team composition. Consider defensive stats in rune shards when facing magic or physical damage lanes.
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