Proven Counters and Tips Against Tahm Kench Support in League of Legends
Tahm Kench is particularly vulnerable to ranged champions who can maintain distance and poke effectively. Here are the key strategies to counter him:
Strong Counter Picks:
- Janna (Highest win rate against)
- Nami
- Pyke
- Rell
- Soraka
- Senna
Laning Phase Tips:
- Stay behind minions to dodge his Q (Tongue Lash)
- Disengage when he activates Grey Health (E)
- Maintain maximum range to avoid auto-attacks
- Capitalize on his weak early game
- Punish him before level 6 power spike
Mid-Game Strategy:
- Watch for his Ultimate (R) in team fights
- Avoid solo pushing mid without vision
- Apply burst damage before he activates Grey Health
- Use CC chains to prevent shield activation
- Don't overextend alone as he can catch you with W (Abyssal Dive)
Late Game Considerations:
- Scale harder than him early as he becomes tankier late game
- Coordinate with team to focus him down
- Keep consistent pressure to prevent roaming
- Maintain vision control to track his movements
Remember to adjust your playstyle based on your champion's strengths and always prioritize positioning to avoid his engage potential.
Power Spike Awareness:
- Level 6 (Ultimate) is his major power spike
- Early game is his weakest phase
- Grows increasingly tanky as game progresses
The key to beating Tahm Kench is maintaining proper spacing, coordinating CC, and preventing him from scaling into late game.