Nautilus Support Guide: Complete Tank Champion Strategy for Patch 15.4.1
Nautilus is a powerful tank support champion known for his strong engage potential and crowd control abilities. With his versatile hook and multiple CC options, he's both beginner-friendly and offers high skill expression for experienced players.
Core Abilities Overview:
- Passive: First auto-attack roots target
- Q (Hook): Throws anchor to pull enemies or pull himself to walls
- W: Provides shield and bonus auto-attack damage
- E: Creates three waves that damage and slow enemies
- R: Launches targeted knockup that affects enemies in path
Advanced Mechanics:
Ability buffering with Q is crucial for high-level play. You can cast Q before being CC'd to escape or engage, as the ability will complete regardless of crowd control effects. This technique is especially useful in matchups against champions like Leona.

Man wearing glasses
Optimal Ability Order:
- Maximize Q first for reduced cooldown and increased damage
- W second for better survivability
- E last, used primarily for slow utility
- Take R whenever possible
Item Build:
Starting Items:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- Health Potions
Core Items:
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Winter's Approach
- Plated Steelcaps/Mercury's Treads
Situational Items:
- Knight's Vow
- Zeke's Convergence
- Thornmail
- Randuin's Omen
- Force of Nature
Combat Strategy:
- Look for hook opportunities on priority targets
- Use ultimate on backline carries to disrupt teamfights
- Time W shield for maximum durability
- Chain CC by combining passive root with other abilities
- Use E waves to extend CC duration and slow escaping enemies
Remember to coordinate engages with your team and focus on peeling for carries when needed. Nautilus excels at both engaging fights and protecting allies through his multiple crowd control abilities.
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