LoL community outraged as Mel faces another round of heavy nerfs

LoL community outraged as Mel faces another round of heavy nerfs

By Marcus Chen

February 18, 2025 at 11:40 AM

Woman warrior in fantasy armor cape

Woman warrior in fantasy armor cape

League of Legends' newest champion Mel is facing another round of nerfs in Patch 15.S1.4 as Riot Games attempts to address her overwhelming presence in solo queue. With a staggering 73.2% ban rate in Platinum and above rankings, the developer is taking decisive action to balance the champion.

Riot Phroxzon announced these upcoming changes in a patch preview, while Riot Emizery provided specific details on the MelMains Reddit community. The community response has been largely critical, with players questioning the necessity of additional nerfs for a champion already struggling with a low win rate in midlane.

Key concerns from the community include:

  • Mel's current poor performance in midlane despite high ban rates
  • Fear of the champion becoming unplayable with a projected 46% win rate
  • Questions about Riot's balancing approach

The new changes are expected to hit the Public Beta Environment soon, with the official patch scheduled for February 20. The effectiveness of these adjustments in balancing Mel's presence in the game while maintaining her viability remains to be seen.

[Images continue as in original article...]

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