LoL community calls for Annie rework as pick rate hits all-time low

LoL community calls for Annie rework as pick rate hits all-time low

By Marcus Chen

February 5, 2025 at 12:38 PM

League of Legends champions promotional artwork

League of Legends champions promotional artwork

Annie, one of League of Legends' original champions, is currently struggling with a mere 1.35% pick rate in Emerald+ ranked matches, placing her among the bottom five least-picked champions alongside Quinn, Naafiri, Rammus, and Heimerdinger.

Annie holding her teddy Tibbers

Annie holding her teddy Tibbers

Key issues plaguing Annie include:

  • Limited mobility
  • Short attack range
  • Poor waveclear abilities
  • High mana costs
  • Weak early game presence

While Annie maintains a 54% win rate, this statistic likely reflects the success of dedicated one-trick players rather than the champion's overall viability. The champion's current kit, unchanged since her 2009 release despite a 2020 visual update, fails to meet modern League of Legends gameplay standards.

Players are calling for a complete ability rework to address these issues, citing that other midlane champions offer superior damage output from safer distances while providing better escape mechanisms. The champion's previous popularity as an entry-level midlaner and support pick has significantly declined due to repeated nerfs, particularly to her shield ability.

[Rest of images maintained as per original article]

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