League of Legends: Warwick Champion Overview and Trivia
Warwick, a fierce werewolf champion in League of Legends, has undergone significant development and evolution since his inception. Here are the key details about this champion:
Development and Voice Acting
- Originally called "Wolfman" during development
- Voiced by Brian Sommer (who also voices Tryndamere) and Dave B. Mitchell (in CONV/RGENCE)
- Features unique attack animations, including a special animation for the now-removed Crescent active from Tiamat and Ravenous Hydra
Gameplay Highlights
- One of few champions without damaging area-of-effect abilities
- Dance animation references Michael Jackson's "Thriller"
- Can be displayed by typing 'Urf' in Champion Select
- Originally had an ability called "Pounce" during Alpha testing (later given to Nidalee)
Notable References and Easter Eggs
- Name shares origins with Warwick, England ("abode by the weir")
- Various voice lines reference popular culture:
- "I'll do a trick for a Warwick snack!" (Scooby-Doo reference)
- "Heroes always die!" (Overwatch reference)
- "All the better to eat you with, my dear!" (Little Red Riding Hood reference)
Skin Themes
- Participates in various skin themes including:
- Lunar Revel
- Infernal
- Marauder
- Winterblessed
- Coven/Old God
Notable Skins
- Urf the Manatee: Released for April Fools' Day 2010
- Medieval Warwick: Obtainable through Level 5 Honor capsules
- PROJECT: Warwick: First skin to reveal his human features
- Lunar Guardian: Released for Lunar Revel 2018 (Year of the Dog)
Special Features
- Unique interactions with various champions
- Multiple price reductions throughout game history
- Special effects in certain skins (like Super Saiyan reference in Lunar Guardian skin)