League of Legends Season 6: Everything You Need to Know
League of Legends Season 6 ran from November 11, 2015, to November 10, 2016, introducing significant changes to enhance gameplay and user experience.
New Champions:
- Illaoi, Jhin, Aurelion Sol, Taliyah, Kled, and Ivern joined the roster
Major Champion Updates:
- Visual and Gameplay Updates: Poppy, Graves, Shen, Malzahar, Ryze, Taric, and Yorick
- Gameplay Updates: Multiple champions including Caitlyn, Corki, Kog'Maw, Miss Fortune, Quinn, and others received mechanical adjustments
Item Changes:
- New Items: Added Cull, Corrupting Potion, Death's Dance, Duskblade of Draktharr, and various Hextech items
- Removed Items: Avarice Blade, Mana Potion, Oracle's Lens, and several others were discontinued
Game System Updates:
- Masteries reworked into three categories: Ferocity, Cunning, and Resolve
- New Drake System: Introduced Cloud, Infernal, Mountain, Ocean, and Elder Dragons
- Removed original Dragon system
New Features:
- Hextech Crafting system with Chests and Keys
- Champion Mastery Levels 6 and 7
- Dynamic Queue replaced Ranked Solo/Duo and Ranked 5v5
- Autofill system implementation
- Doom Bots game mode
- New currency: Gemstone
- Mythic skin tier
Removed Features:
- Team Builder queue
- Traditional ranked queues (replaced by Dynamic Queue)
These changes significantly impacted gameplay mechanics, strategic diversity, and player progression systems, marking Season 6 as a transformative year for League of Legends.