League of Legends Champion: Xin Zhao - Demacian Warrior
Xin Zhao is a melee fighter champion in League of Legends who excels at diving into combat and engaging enemies. Here's a concise overview of his key characteristics and abilities:
Core Attributes:
- Role: Diver/Fighter
- Resource: Mana
- Attack Type: Melee
- Damage Type: Physical
- Release Date: 2010
Key Abilities:
Determination (Passive)
- Every third attack deals bonus physical damage
- Heals Xin Zhao based on his maximum health
- Stacks from basic attacks and Wind Becomes Lightning
Three Talon Strike (Q)
- Empowers next 3 basic attacks
- Third strike knocks up target
- Reduces other ability cooldowns
- Resets basic attack timer
Wind Becomes Lightning (W)
- Two-part strike: arc slash followed by spear thrust
- Slows enemies hit by thrust
- Marks champions and monsters as Challenged
- Scales with critical strike chance
Audacious Charge (E)
- Dashes to target enemy
- Deals AoE magic damage
- Slows nearby enemies
- Grants bonus attack speed
- Extended range against Challenged targets
Crescent Guard (R)
- Sweeps spear in circle dealing damage
- Knocks back non-Challenged targets
- Grants invulnerability against far-away champions
- Marks last hit champion as Challenged
- Strong early game dueling
- Good ganking potential
- Reliable crowd control
- Effective team fight initiator
- Falls off late game
- Vulnerable to kiting
- Reliant on getting close to targets
- Limited escape options
Build Focus:
- Attack damage
- Attack speed
- Durability items
- Life steal
Best Roles:
- Jungle (Primary)
- Top Lane (Secondary)
Xin Zhao warrior pose with spear