League of Legends: Amumu, the Cursed Tank from Shurima
Amumu is an ancient Shuriman champion in League of Legends who serves as a tank/vanguard with strong crowd control abilities.
His key abilities include:
Passive - Cursed Touch:
- Basic attacks and abilities mark enemies with Curse
- Cursed targets take 10% bonus true damage from magic damage
- Duration: 3 seconds
Q - Bandage Toss:
- Throws bandage that stuns and pulls Amumu to first enemy hit
- Deals magic damage
- Uses 2-charge system
- Range: 1100
W - Despair:
- Toggle ability that deals magic damage to nearby enemies
- Damage based on target's max health
- Range: 350
E - Tantrum:
- Passive: Reduces physical damage taken
- Active: Deals AoE magic damage to nearby enemies
- Cooldown reduced when hit by basic attacks
R - Curse of the Sad Mummy:
- Entangles and stuns nearby enemies for 1.5 seconds
- Deals magic damage
- Range: 550
Key Strengths:
- Strong engage and crowd control
- Good jungle clear
- Tank with magic damage
- Team fight presence
Common Roles:
- Jungle
- Tank
- Support
Build Path:
- Tank items
- Ability power items for damage
- Cooldown reduction
Sad mummy Amumu character pose