Ivern Jungle Guide: Pro Tips, Counters & Best Synergies

Ivern Jungle Guide: Pro Tips, Counters & Best Synergies

By Marcus Chen

February 12, 2025 at 07:28 PM

Ivern, the Green Father champion

Ivern, the Green Father champion

Ivern is a unique jungle champion who excels at supporting his team while maintaining efficient jungle clear. Here's a comprehensive breakdown of his strengths and weaknesses.

Strongest Matchups:

  • Skarner (58.2% WR)
  • Gragas (56.5% WR)
  • Maokai (56.5% WR)
  • Lee Sin (54.3% WR)
  • Rek'Sai (53.8% WR)
  • Briar (53.1% WR)

Weakest Matchups:

  • Shyvana (42.5% WR)
  • Fiddlesticks (42.9% WR)
  • Kindred (43.9% WR)
  • Evelynn (45.1% WR)
  • Talon (45.4% WR)
  • Udyr (45.4% WR)

Best Duo Synergies:

  • Sett (55.4% WR)
  • Camille (54.0% WR)
  • Gnar (53.8% WR)
  • Katarina (53.1% WR)
  • Darius (52.6% WR)
  • Garen (52.3% WR)

Essential Tips:

  1. Start clearing camps immediately when your icon appears on the map to prevent counter-jungling
  2. Monitor the minimap constantly to use Redemption effectively and support allies
  3. Use W and Smite at level 1 to steal enemy buffs - ward their jungle early to track their starting position

Advanced Strategies:

  • Coordinate with your laners for effective ganks using your unique pathing abilities
  • Time your buff steals with enemy jungler movements
  • Maximize your passive's efficiency by planning clear routes in advance
  • Use Daisy (R) for both engage and disengage scenarios

Understanding these matchups and implementing these strategies will help you maximize Ivern's unique supportive jungle playstyle.

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