Elise Champion Guide: The Ultimate Jungle Spider Build & Strategy
Spider Form (R): Transform into a menacing spider, gaining access to three new abilities. While in Spider Form, Elise's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage and she gains bonus movement speed when not in combat. Spider Form abilities don't cost mana.
Rappel (Spider E): Elise and her Spiderlings ascend into the air, becoming untargetable for up to 2 seconds. Upon reactivation or after the duration, she descends at the target location. If enemies are nearby, Elise can descend directly upon them.
Early Game Strategy
- Start red buff, as Elise excels at early ganks
- Look for gank opportunities as soon as level 3
- Use Human Form to initiate with Cocoon
- Switch to Spider Form to execute low-health targets
- Counter-jungle when lanes have priority
Core Items
Hextech Rocketbelt
Sorcerer's Shoes
Ability Priority
- R > W > Q > E
Key Combos
- Human E → Human W → Human Q → R → Spider Q → Spider W
- Human W → E → Q → R → Spider Q → W (for longer range)
Mid-Game Objectives
- Secure objectives with strong single-target damage
- Look for picks with Cocoon
- Use Rappel for tower dives and objective steals
- Maintain vision control around objectives
Late Game Tips
- Focus on catching isolated targets
- Use Rappel carefully in teamfights
- Peel for carries when needed
- Split push if team needs map pressure
Synergies Strong with:
- Laners with CC (easier Cocoon hits)
- Teams that need AP damage
- Early game junglers
- Tanks with MR
- Strong early duelists
- Teams with multiple escapes
Advanced Tips
- Use Spiderlings to tank jungle camps
- Rappel can be used to check unwarded areas
- Human form Q deals max health damage
- Spider form Q executes low health targets
- Cocoon projectile speed increases with distance
Runes Primary (Domination):
- Dark Harvest
- Sudden Impact
- Eyeball Collection
- Relentless Hunter
Secondary (Precision):
- Triumph
- Coup de Grace
Practice timing Cocoon (Human E) as it's crucial for successful ganks and picks.