Draven Champion Guide: Master the League's Most Aggressive ADC

Draven Champion Guide: Master the League's Most Aggressive ADC

By Marcus Chen

November 19, 2024 at 10:42 PM

Draven is an aggressive marksman who excels in the botlane through his unique axe-catching mechanics and powerful early game damage potential.

Passive - League of Draven Draven gains Adoration stacks by catching Spinning Axes, killing minions, or destroying turrets. When killing enemy champions, he consumes all stacks to gain bonus gold (25 + 2x stacks). Dying causes loss of 75% of stacks.

Core Abilities

  • Q - Spinning Axe: Empowers next auto attack and makes axe bounce for potential catch. Can maintain up to two spinning axes
  • W - Blood Rush: Grants attack speed (3s) and decaying movement speed (1.5s). Cooldown resets when catching axes
  • E - Move Aside!: Knocks enemies aside and slows them
  • R - Whirling Death: Global ultimate that throws two massive axes, dealing damage on both outward and return paths

Man in black shirt headshot

Man in black shirt headshot

Ability Order 1. Max Q (Spinning Axe) first 2. Max W (Blood Rush) second 3. Max E (Move Aside!) last 4. Take R at levels 6/11/16

Core Items

  • Start with Doran's Blade + Health Potion
  • Build path: Immortal Shieldbow > Bloodthirster > Infinity Edge
  • Situational items include Lord Dominik's Regards, Guardian Angel, and Mercurial Scimitar

Playstyle Tips

  • Focus on maintaining two spinning axes during fights
  • Use early game strength to establish lane dominance
  • Position carefully to catch axes while trading
  • Coordinate with support for aggressive engages
  • Stack Adoration safely to maximize passive gold generation

Draven excels at early game dominance and snowballing, but requires precise axe management and positioning to be effective. Success depends on maintaining an early advantage and translating it into a victory before late game.

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