Complete List of Auto-Targeted Abilities in League of Legends
Auto-Targeted Abilities in League of Legends
League of Legends features numerous auto-targeted abilities across champions, items, and summoner spells. Here's a comprehensive breakdown:
Champion Abilities
Standard Auto-Targeted
- Ahri: Fox-Fire
- Akali: Shuriken Flip
- Annie: Disintegrate
- Caitlyn: Headshot
- Darius: Noxian Guillotine
- Fiddlesticks: Dark Wind
- Janna: Eye of the Storm
- Kassadin: Force Pulse
- Master Yi: Alpha Strike
- Ryze: Rune Prison
- Veigar: Primordial Burst
Proximity-Based Auto-Targeting
- Aphelios: Binding Eclipse
- Evelynn: Hate Spike
- Kai'Sa: Icathian Rain
- Katarina: Death Lotus
- Morgana: Soul Shackles
- Twitch: Contaminate
Items with Active Auto-Targeting
Combat Items
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Randuin's Omen
- Zhonya's Hourglass
- Youmuu's Ghostblade
- Health Potion
- Refillable Potion
- Elixirs (Iron, Sorcery, Wrath)
Auto-Targeted Summoner Spells
- Barrier
- Cleanse
- Ghost
- Heal
- Ignite
- Exhaust
Important Notes:
- Auto-targeted abilities cannot be dodged
- Some abilities combine auto-targeting with skillshot mechanics
- Proximity-based abilities trigger automatically when enemies are in range
- Many auto-targeted abilities can be blocked by spell shields
This list is regularly updated with game patches and champion releases. Auto-targeting mechanics may change with game balance updates.