Complete League of Legends Champion Tier List & Role Guide
Here's a comprehensive tier list of League of Legends champions organized by role and tier:
S-Tier Champions
- Ahri (Mid, Assassin)
- Akshan (Top, Assassin)
- Caitlyn (Bot, Marksman)
- Camille (Top, Fighter)
- Darius (Top, Fighter)
- Evelynn (Jungle, Assassin)
- Fiddlesticks (Jungle, Assassin)
- Fiora (Top, Fighter)
- Kayn (Jungle, Assassin)
- Kha'Zix (Jungle, Assassin)
- LeBlanc (Mid, Assassin)
- Master Yi (Jungle, Assassin)
- Nocturne (Jungle, Assassin)
- Olaf (Top, Fighter)
- Orianna (Mid, Mage)
- Ornn (Top, Tank)
- Poppy (Top/Support, Tank/Fighter)
- Rammus (Jungle, Tank)
- Rell (Support, Tank)
- Riven (Top, Fighter)
- Samira (Bot, Marksman)
- Shen (Top, Fighter)
- Skarner (Jungle, Fighter)
- Varus (Bot, Marksman)
- Xin Zhao (Jungle, Fighter)
- Yone (Mid, Fighter)
A-Tier Champions - Notable Mentions:
- Aatrox (Top, Fighter)
- Akali (Mid, Assassin)
- Alistar (Support, Support)
- Aphelios (Bot, Marksman)
- Aurelion Sol (Mid, Mage)
- Bard (Support, Mage)
- Janna (Support, Enchanter)
- Kindred (Jungle, Marksman)
- Lee Sin (Jungle, Assassin)
- Malphite (Top, Tank)
- Nami (Support, Enchanter)
- Rengar (Jungle, Assassin)
- Zac (Jungle, Tank)
B-Tier and Below: These champions are viable but may require more skill or specific team compositions to be effective:
- Amumu (Jungle, Tank)
- Annie (Mid, Mage)
- Brand (Support, Mage)
- Dr. Mundo (Top, Fighter)
- Gwen (Top, Fighter)
- Karma (Support, Enchanter)
- Lux (Mid/Support, Mage)
- Pyke (Support, Assassin)
- Sona (Support, Enchanter)
- Teemo (Top, Mage)
- Warwick (Jungle, Fighter)
- Yuumi (Support, Enchanter)
This tier list reflects the current meta and champion strength in their primary roles. Champion effectiveness can vary based on player skill, team composition, and patch updates.