Caitlyn Guide - The Sniper Sheriff | Season 15 Champion Guide
Range and Poke Master
Caitlyn excels as a botlane marksman with unmatched base attack range, making her a natural lane bully. Focus on maintaining lane dominance and securing tower plates through strategic poke damage.
Core Abilities
Passive - Headshot
- Normal attacks build stacks (double from bushes)
- At 5 stacks (4 from bush), next attack deals bonus damage
- Amplified by AD and critical strikes
Q - Piltover Peacemaker
- Piercing shot dealing physical damage
- Fans out after first target (60% damage)
- Best used through minion wave to harass enemies
W - Yordle Trap
- Roots enemies for 1.5 seconds
- Reveals invisible champions for 3 seconds
- Grants Headshot with 150 bonus range
- 1.1-second arming time
E - 90 Caliber Net
- Fires net and pushes Caitlyn backward
- Slows hit targets by 50% for 1 second
- Grants Headshot on hit target
- Use primarily as escape tool
R - Ace in the Hole
- Long-range single-target execute
- Can be blocked by other champions
- Excellent for securing kills on low-health targets
Skill Order
- Start Q (Piltover Peacemaker)
- W (Yordle Trap) or E (90 Caliber Net) based on matchup
- Max Q > W > E
- Take R at 6/11/16
Core Strategy
- Maintain maximum range advantage
- Poke enemies when they farm
- Control lane through trap placement
- Combine abilities with support CC
- Push for early tower plates
- Use ultimate to secure kills from safety
Remember to focus on maximizing your range advantage and building proper AD, attack speed, and crit items for optimal damage output.
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