Best Volibear ARAM Build Guide & Combos
Volibear ARAM builds, strategies, and tips for optimal performance in the fast-paced game mode.
Core Build
- Starting Items: Guardian's Horn, Ruby Crystal
- Essential Items: Sunfire Aegis, Spirit Visage, Plated Steelcaps
- Full Build: Add Thornmail, Force of Nature, Warmog's Armor
- Primary (Precision): Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Last Stand
- Secondary (Resolve): Conditioning, Unflinching
Summoner Spells
- Mark/Dash (Snowball)
- Flash
Ability Order
- W (Frenzied Maul)
- Q (Thundering Smash)
- E (Sky Splitter)
- Max W > Q > E
- Take R (Stormbringer) at levels 6, 11, 16
Key Combos
- Pre-6 Engage:
- E → Q → Auto Attack → W → Auto Attack
- Damage Combo:
- Q → E → Auto Attack → W → R → Auto Attack
- Level 6+ Initiation:
- R → Q → E → Auto Attack → W
Situational Items
- Against Heavy AP: Force of Nature
- Against Healing: Thornmail
- Need Sustain: Warmog's Armor
- More Damage: Titanic Hydra
- Against Tanks: Divine Sunderer
- Use Snowball to initiate fights from a distance
- Chain CC with Q after landing Snowball
- Time E placement to ensure the slow hits
- Save W for when you can get the empowered bite
- Use R to tower dive or escape dangerous situations
Team Role
- Primary engage
- Frontline tank
- Single-target threat
- Tower siege specialist
Note: Volibear has no special ARAM balance adjustments affecting his performance.
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