Best Tristana Bot Lane Runes for 15.3 - Full Guide
Tristana's Optimal Runes - Season 15 Guide
Precision Primary / Domination Secondary rune combination achieves a 49.5% win rate with 33.3% pick rate (based on 16,995 matches).
Core Runes:
- Primary (Precision): Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Cut Down
- Secondary (Domination): Taste of Blood, Treasure Hunter
Strong Synergies:
- Support: Yuumi (55.8%), Janna (53.9%), Sona (53.6%)
- Other: Braum (53.2%), Elise (53.0%), Lulu (52.8%)
Counter Matchups:
- Strong Against: Kalista (54.9%), Jhin (53.5%), Hwei (53.4%)
- Weak Against: Yasuo (43.5%), Corki (45.3%), Kog'Maw (47.7%)
Essential Tips:
- Maximize E damage by landing multiple auto-attacks
- Use W (Rocket Jump) carefully - ensure enemy CC is on cooldown and track enemy jungler
- Save R (Buster Shot) for self-peel against diving enemies in teamfights
Strategic Playstyle:
- Early Game: Focus on farming and using E for trades
- Mid Game: Look for opportunities to all-in with W+E combo
- Late Game: Position safely and use R defensively against divers
Champion Difficulty: Average to Hard
Note: Build and rune statistics based on Patch 15.3 data