Best Top Lane Kennen Runes - Season 15.4 Guide
Kennen's optimal Top lane runes combine Domination and Sorcery paths, achieving a 51.3% win rate across 7,016 matches in patch 15.4.
Primary Runes (Domination):
- Keystone: Electrocute
- Cheap Shot
- Grisly Mementos
- Ultimate Hunter
Secondary Runes (Sorcery):
- Axiom Arcanist
- Absolute Focus
Strong Against:
- Trundle (60.7% WR)
- Aatrox (57.4% WR)
- Illaoi (57.3% WR)
- Quinn (57.1% WR)
- Ambessa (56.7% WR)
- Kayle (56.5% WR)
Weak Against:
- Heimerdinger (40.7% WR)
- Olaf (43.9% WR)
- Swain (44.1% WR)
- Vladimir (44.7% WR)
- Singed (46.0% WR)
- Pantheon (47.1% WR)
Best Jungle Synergies:
- Shaco (57.7% WR)
- Talon (57.2% WR)
- Graves (56.3% WR)
- Bel'Veth (55.7% WR)
- Nocturne (54.7% WR)
- Rengar (53.5% WR)
Key Tips:
- Utilize range advantage against melee champions to harass and deny CS
- Flank from side angles during teamfights when enemies have strong disengage
- Consider team composition when choosing between AP or on-hit build paths
- Maintain maximum range during trades to avoid counter-attacks
This versatile champion can be built either AP or on-hit, making him adaptable to team needs and various matchups. Success with Kennen requires proper positioning, understanding of power spikes, and effective use of his ultimate ability in teamfights.
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