Best Kennen Top Counters and How to Play Against Him
Laning Against Kennen: Top Counter Guide

Violette Figur mit Schwert
Best Counters:
- Heimerdinger
- Olaf
- Swain
- Vladimir
- Singed
Effective Champions:
- Yorick
- Pantheon
- Urgot
- Ryze
- Malphite
Key Laning Tips:
- As a melee champion, prioritize XP over CS when facing Kennen's poke
- Track his energy bar and engage when it's low
- Avoid extended trades where he can stack his passive
- Build defensively based on his item path (AP or AD)
Strategic Counters:
- Maintain side vision to prevent flanks
- Spread out during teamfights to minimize his ultimate impact
- Disengage when you see him running towards your team
- Avoid fighting in enclosed spaces like Dragon or Baron pit
- Poke him before objectives to prevent all-in engages
Power Spike Windows:
- Level 6 (Ultimate ability)
- Major item completions (watch his build path)
- Team fight situations in cramped areas
Enemy Difficulty Scale: Average: Tryndamere, Nasus, Dr. Mundo Hard: Irelia, Mordekaiser Severe: Heimerdinger, Olaf, Swain
Remember to focus on harassing Kennen early and avoid grouping too tightly in teamfights. His effectiveness diminishes significantly when forced to engage at suboptimal moments or when his team lacks proper follow-up.