Bel'Veth Jungle Counter Guide: Best Champions & Tips to Beat Her
Bel'Veth's strongest jungle counters are Rek'Sai, Sejuani, Wukong, Master Yi, and Rammus. Her weaker matchups include Ivern, Elise, Amumu, Kha'Zix, and Nidalee.
Early Game Strategy
- Invade early when Bel'Veth is most vulnerable
- Pick strong skirmishing champions for early duels
- Steal her camps to prevent stack accumulation
- Counter-gank aggressively after she uses core abilities
Teamfight Tactics
- Apply hard CC quickly to prevent auto-attacks
- Disengage when she activates her E shield
- Focus her down when Q is used aggressively
- Avoid using burst abilities during her E
Power Spikes
- Level 6: Major spike with Ultimate (R)
- Late Game: Gains unlimited stacks through Passive
- Attack speed increases significantly over time
Counter Tips
- End games early before she scales
- Deny jungle camps to slow her progression
- Lock her down with CC in teamfights
- Capitalize on her weak early game
- Pick champions with strong early dueling potential
Best Counters
- Rek'Sai - Strong early duelist
- Sejuani - Heavy CC and tankiness
- Wukong - Good early game and teamfight presence
- Master Yi - Can match late-game scaling
- Rammus - Natural counter to auto-attackers
For optimal results, coordinate with your team to invade early and maintain jungle control throughout the game.