Aphelios Guide: Master the Lunari's 5-Weapon Arsenal
Aphelios is a unique marksman carrying five different weapons, each with distinct abilities and mechanics. He always holds two weapons at a time, switchable with W, and each has 50 ammunition.
Basic Mechanics:
- Normal attacks use 1 ammunition
- Q abilities cost 10 ammunition
- Each weapon's Q ability has separate cooldowns
- Skill points provide stats instead of ability levels
- Q: Attack Damage
- W: Attack Speed
- E: Lethality
The Five Weapons:
- Calibrum (Green - Sniper Rifle)
- Grants +100 attack range
- Marks targets hit by abilities
- Q fires a long-range shot that marks targets
- Marked targets can be hit from 1800 range
- Severum (Red - Pistol)
- Melee-like attacks that bypass Yasuo's windwall
- Heals for percentage of damage dealt
- Q grants movement speed and rapid attacks with both weapons
- Gravitum (Purple - Cannon)
- Applies 30% slow that decays to 10%
- Q roots slowed targets for 1 second
- Each attack refreshes slow duration
- Infernum (Blue - Flamethrower)
- Deals 110% AD damage with cone splash
- Critical hits create wider cone with 6 bolts
- Q fires damage cone followed by off-hand attacks
- Crescendum (White - Chakram)
- Boomerang attacks that reset attack animation
- Faster attacks at close range
- Q deploys a turret that uses off-hand weapon
Ultimate Ability (Moonlight Vigil):
- Fires moon bomb that deals AoE damage
- Effect varies based on main weapon:
- Green: Applies enhanced marks
- Red: Heals Aphelios
- Purple: 99% slow + extended root
- Blue: AoE damage with overlapping zones
- White: Generates chakrams
Optimal Build Path:
- Prioritize AD and Lethality over Attack Speed
- Build attack speed through skill points and boots
- Maximize Q first, followed by E (or W against tank-heavy teams)
This champion requires significant practice to master but offers unparalleled versatility in the botlane role.
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