Akshan: Detailed Champion Guide for League Patch 15.4.1
Akshan is a versatile marksman-assassin who excels in both top and mid lanes. His unique kit combines high mobility with strong early-game damage potential, making him particularly effective at quick engage-and-disengage tactics.
Key Abilities Priority:
- Q - Avengerang
- E - Heroic Swing
- W - Going Rogue
- R - Comeuppance
Early Game Skill Optimization:
- Level 1: Q (Avengerang)
- Level 2: E (Heroic Swing)
- Level 3: Q (Second point)
- Level 4: E (Second point) or W situationally
- Level 5: W (if not taken at level 4)
This unconventional skill order maximizes early damage potential, as W isn't essential for lane dominance.
Core Item Build:
- Starting Items:
- Doran's Blade
- Health Potion
- Core Items:
- Kraken Slayer
- Berserker's Greaves
- Blade of the Ruined King
- Lord Dominik's Regards
Alternative Items:
- Immortal Shieldbow (against burst damage)
- Mercury's Treads (against heavy CC)
- Ninja Tabi (against AD threats)
- Guardian Angel (late game insurance)
Build Strategy: Focus on attack speed and on-hit effects to maximize Akshan's passive double-hit mechanic. Defensive boots are crucial due to his close-range combat requirements. Include armor penetration to maintain damage relevance against tanks.
Runes: Primary (Precision):
- Press the Attack
- Triumph
- Legend: Alacrity
- Coup de Grace
Secondary (Inspiration):
- Magical Footwear
- Biscuit Delivery
Playstyle Focus:
- Utilize invisibility for surprise engages
- Master the hit-and-run tactics
- Prioritize short trades using passive double-hits
- Look for roaming opportunities post-6
- Use mobility to maintain map presence and objective control
Combat Tips:
- Maximize passive procs for trading
- Time W stealth for ganks and rotations
- Use E creatively for both engagement and escape
- Save ultimate for executing low-health targets or forcing recalls
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