5 Best Top Laners to Dominate Season 25.S1 Ranked Climb
Top Lane Champions for Season 25.S1: Best Picks to Carry
Current meta changes and the addition of Atakhan, a new monster objective that can spawn on either side of the map, have significantly impacted top lane priorities. Strong lane pressure and map control are now more crucial than ever.
Here are the top 5 champions dominating the top lane (based on Emerald+ data):
Kennen (51.3% WR)
- Ranged bully with strong lane presence
- Exceptional team fighting capability with AoE ultimate
- Safe blind pick that counters most melee matchups
- Excels in jungle and objective fights
Kennen, lightning ninja yordle
Riven (51.2% WR)
- Strong all-in potential and high mobility
- Excellent split pusher with strong dueling
- High skill ceiling with animation cancels
- Effective at both side lane pressure and team fights
Battle Prime Riven splash art
Irelia (51.1% WR)
- Powerful snowball potential
- Strong tower diving capabilities
- Flexible pick for both top and mid
- Excels at split pushing and team fighting when ahead
Frostblade Irelia in icy armor
Olaf (51.1% WR)
- Dominant in extended trades
- Strong tower diving with ultimate
- Effective split pusher
- Beginner-friendly mechanics
- Great backline threat in team fights
Olaf wearing a beer helmet
Darius (50.3% WR)
- Excellent lane bully
- Strong early game presence
- Simple mechanics but high impact
- Great for all skill levels
- Powerful in extended fights
Armored warrior with red cape and axe
Miss Fortune in Anima Squad skin
Game icons on dark backdrop